Relación de indicadores (1254 registros)
cod_serieValor más
reciente (Uds.)
Rango datosFuenteActualiz.
bds_695001118.940,0(M.m. euros 2011)1,3% <1995 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, NATIONAL BANK OF BELGIUM04-06-2024
bds_695002579.446,0(Millones dkr 2005)0,2% <1991 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, STATBANK.DK21-05-2024
bds_695003646.087,0(M.m. euros 2010)1,3% <1949 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, INSEE20-06-2024
bds_695004816,4(Mill. euros 2010)-0,2% <1991 01> y <2024 1>EUROSTAT01-05-2024
bds_695007450.137(M.m. euros 2005)0,6% <1996 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI STATISTICA01-05-2024
bds_695008201.663,0(Millones euros 2005)-0,5% <1996 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, CBS16-05-2024
bds_695009570.196(Mill libras 2011)0,2% <1955 01> y <2024 1>OFFICE FOR NATIONAL STATISTICS20-06-2024
bds_69501054.659,4(M.m. euros 2006)1,4% <1995 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, INE-PORTUGAL30-04-2024
bds_69501113.389,0(M.m. euros 1990)-9,5% <2000 01> y <2024 1>OCDE: MAIN ECONOMIC INDICATORS29-05-2024
bds_6950121.330(M.m. euros 2005)0,2% <1996 01> y <2024 1>OCDE:MEI31-05-2024
bds_69501357.353,0(M.m. euros 2000)-1,1% <1990 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, STATISTICS FINLAND31-05-2024
bds_6950161.562.748,0(M.m. skr 2012)0,3% <1981 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, SCB30-05-2024
bds_695018516.710,750(M.m. try 1998)5,7% <1998 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, TURKSAT - TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE31-05-2024
bds_6950205.687,5(M.m. $ 2009)2,9% <1947 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS20-06-2024
bds_695021138.815,9(M.m. yens 2005)-0,4% <1980 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE16-05-2024
bds_69502525,3(M.m. peso 2008)1,9% <1980 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, INSTITUTO NACIONAL ESTADISTICA, GEOGRAFIA E INFORMATICA24-05-2024
bds_695026572.951,0(M.m. wons 2010)3,1% <2000 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, BANK OF KOREA07-06-2024
bds_695028686.720(Millones pesos de 2004)-5,1% <2004 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, MINISTERIO ECONOMIA ARGENTINA27-06-2024
bds_69502935.055,9(M.m. rublos 2008)4,2% <2011 01> y <2023 4>FEDERAL STATE STATISTICS SERVICE, RUSSIA10-04-2024
bds_69503147.237,8(M.m. inr 2004-2005)7,8% <2011 02> y <2024 1>CSO, INDIA04-06-2024
bds_6950325.696.829,0(Mill. twd 2006)6,7% <1982 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, D.G. OF BUDGET, ACCOUNTING AND STATISTICS, EXECUTIVE YUAN30-05-2024
bds_6950333.112.906,0(M.m. idr 2000)5,1% <2010 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, STATISTICS INDONESIA06-05-2024
bds_6950344.626.739,0(Mill. zar 2005)0,4% <1960 01> y <2024 1>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA05-06-2024
bds_6950403.471.507,75(Mill ecu/eu 2010)0,5% <1995 01> y <2024 1>EUROSTAT07-05-2024
bds_6950812.959,91(Mill ecu/eu 2010)0,4% <1995 01> y <2024 1>EUROSTAT01-05-2024
bds_695082116,1(Indice 2010=100)1,6% <1962 01> y <2023 3>OCDE:MEI31-12-2023
bds_69548414.303.628,0(Miles vef 1997)-7,1% <1997 01> y <2015 3>REUTERS ECOWIN - BANCO CENTRAL DE VENEZUELA22-02-2019
bds_6h50801.983.290,12(Mill ecu/eu 1995)2,2% <1991 01> y <2004 2>EUROSTAT08-07-2019
bds_90bc0001522.755,310(Pesetas)13,7% <1964 1> y <1982 1>INE24-04-2014
bds_90bc51000,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc51100,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc51200,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52000,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52100,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52110,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52120,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52200,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52210,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52220,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52230,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52240,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52300,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52310,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52320,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52400,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52410,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52420,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52430,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52440,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
bds_90bc52450,000(Millones ptas)<1970 01> y <1970 01>INE08-07-2019
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