Relación de indicadores BDSICE (1196 registros)
cod_serieValor más
reciente (Uds.)
Rango datosFuenteActualiz.
Economía internacional
bds_630011h124,55(Indice 2005=100)3,2% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT17-04-2024
bds_630012123,7(Indice 2000=100)4,1% <1950 01> y <2024 3>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, STATISTICS AUSTRIA19-04-2024
bds_630012h134,13(Indice 2005=100)4,1% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT17-04-2024
bds_630013122,4(Indice 2000=100)2,2% <1951 10> y <2024 3>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, STATISTICS FINLAND19-04-2024
bds_630013h119,64(Indice 2005=100)0,6% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT17-04-2024
bds_630015115,1(Indice 2000=100)1,2% <1960 01> y <2017 9>OCDE:MEI12-12-2017
bds_630016414,3(Indice 1980=100)4,1% <1960 01> y <2024 3>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, STATISTICS SWEDEN12-04-2024
bds_630016h128,48(Indice 2005=100)2,3% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT17-04-2024
bds_63001798,4(Indice 2000=100)0,8% <1960 01> y <2017 9>OCDE:MEI12-12-2017
bds_630018182,3(Indice 2000=100)13,0% <1960 01> y <2017 9>OCDE:MEI12-12-2017
bds_630019112,4(Indice 2000=100)1,4% <1960 01> y <2017 9>OCDE:MEI12-12-2017
bds_630020_d312,23(Indice 1982-84=100)3,5% <1947 01> y <2024 3>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS19-04-2024
bds_630020312,3(Indice 1982-84=100)3,5% <1960 01> y <2024 3>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS11-04-2024
bds_630021107,2(Indice 2010=100)2,7% <1970 01> y <2024 3>REUTERS ECOWIN PRO, STATISTICS BUREAU19-04-2024
bds_630022115,9(Indice 2000=100)1,8% <1960 01> y <2017 3>OCDE: MEI12-12-2017
bds_630023110,9(Indice 2000=100)1,9% <1960 01> y <2017 3>OCDE: MEI12-12-2017
bds_630024h122,93(Indice 2005=100)3,3% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h1120,28(Base 2005=100)3,4% <2000 12> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h10141,14(Indice 2005=100)4,3% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h11122,68(Indice 2005=100)4,1% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h12112,18(Indice 2005=100)0,2% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h13113,57(Indice 2005=100)1,5% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h14114,32(Indice 2005=100)1,0% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h15108,04(Indice 2005=100)2,1% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h16123,07(Indice 2005=100)2,9% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h17105,10(Indice 2005=100)0,4% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h18110,57(Indice 2005=100)4,8% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h19109,72(Indice 2005=100)2,9% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h1t3,4(% var. anual)-52,1% <1997 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h2135,27(Base 2005=100)4,7% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h20129,11(Indice 2005=100)5,7% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h21118,86(Indice 2005=100)3,0% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h2ic135,78(Base 2005=100)4,7% <2002 12> y <2024 3>Eurostat17-04-2024
bds_630024h3144,74(Base 2005=100)3,0% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h3ic147,24(Base 2005=100)2,9% <2002 12> y <2024 3>Eurostat17-04-2024
bds_630024h4110,51(Base 2005=100)0,8% <2000 12> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h4ic110,53(Base 2005=100)0,8% <2002 12> y <2024 3>Eurostat17-04-2024
bds_630024h5119,27(Base 2005=100)4,2% <2000 12> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h5ic119,33(Base 2005=100)4,2% <2002 12> y <2024 3>Eurostat17-04-2024
bds_630024h6124,25(Base 2005=100)1,6% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024h6ic127,71(Base 2005=100)-3,4% <2002 12> y <2024 3>Eurostat17-04-2024
bds_630024h7138,77(Base 2005=100)4,3% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT17-04-2024
bds_630024h8116,27(Base 2005=100)3,1% <2000 12> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT.17-04-2024
bds_630024h9115,66(Base 2005=100)1,1% <2000 12> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT17-04-2024
bds_630024hepa124,37(Indice 2005=100)3,3% <2000 12> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT17-04-2024
bds_630024hic123,85(Base 2005=100)2,8% <2002 12> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630024hpa103,69(Indice 2005=100)2,1% <2000 12> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT17-04-2024
bds_630024ht3,3(% var. anual)5,8% <1997 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT12-04-2024
bds_630025131,7(Indice 2000=100)6,4% <1969 01> y <2017 9>OCDE:MEI12-12-2017
bds_630040h129,33(Indice 2005=100)2,6% <1996 01> y <2024 3>EUROSTAT17-04-2024
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